Scott Bradner -- Sun, 26 Jun 1994 -- B-I ========================================= IPng ADs request Picking up on something that Noel mentioned in a posting a while back, we would like to request that a particular issue be discussed. One thing that seems to have been missing in the recent extensive discussions about address size options is a understanding of whether the transport level 'name' should be the same as the internetwork level 'name', as they are with the current IPv4 "address", or be different in some way. In IPv4 the transport name is: The question referrs to the two IP address fields. Different people seem to often be making different assumptions about the answer to this question in recent notes, with the result that a lot of the discussion was not as productive as it could have been, due to inconsistant terminology. If it is possible to reach consensus on this issue, it will almost certainly make it easier to reach consensus on some of the other open issues regarding "addresses". Note that it is not necessary to assume that the names in question are either fixed or variable length. Obviously, whether you have one or two is related to the details of what each would look like, but it should be possible to consider this without getting diverted by the contentious issue of fixed/variable. Please address the following questions: 1/ are the transport and internetwork level names the same thing? 2/ if not, are they totally different or is the transport level name part of the internetwork level name? Scott & Allison